Outreach History

Scouting Outreach at 2020 PNW District Glacier Peak Event

Working to further the utilization of scouting and strategy, our team observed the Glacier Peak event and posted data for all teams, despite not being competitors ourselves. We diligently worked to publish our scouting data for a couple reasons: firstly, we want all teams to make well-informed decisions and create solid strategies, and secondly, we wanted to garner others’ trust in believing that our data is non-biased. We were glad to have made the decision to scout at Glacier Peak, considering both teams 2930 and 1318 came to us, seeking complete sets of data. In addition to posting graphed data, we also shared our database and a Tableau packaged workbook. A second reason we went to Glacier Peak was to offer assistance to the three rookie teams attending the event; we believe FIRST is, above all, a community.

People checking data posted by CPR ISS Division.

People checking data posted by CPR ISS Division.


Scouting Outreach at 2020 PNW District West Valley Event

To continue our efforts in sharing with others the merits of scouting, we, again, chose to post all of our data, including our entire database and a Tableau packaged workbook. We were excited to see students and mentors of all different teams analyzing our freely-offered data.

People checking data and learning about scouting at the Scouting Pit hosted by CPR ISS Division.

People checking data and learning about scouting at the Scouting Pit hosted by CPR ISS Division.


FRC Team 1983 - Skunkworks Robotics

During the 2020 build season, we met with the lead scout of Skunkworks to share ideas and compare our data collection systems. The meeting proved very thought-provoking, as we discovered that they use a very different system than we do. We had fun trading ideas and discussing our experiences in the scouting field.

FRC Team 2557 - SOTAbots

Our scouting team was invited to speak at Sotabots’ Robotics Workshop during this past off-season. Excited to share, five CPR Informatics & Scouting/Strategy Division members prepared to give extensive presentations on all things scouting: quantitative data, qualitative data, Tableau, match scouting, and lobbying. Our team is fortunate to have a scouting team comprised of highly capable students; however, we understand that not every team has the man-power and resources needed to integrate every aspect of our extensive scouting system. Therefore, we explained how to integrate scouting even if only two students were available for scouting. Anticipating an increase in scouting, we hope the insight we provided is helpful to all teams this year.

FIRST Washington

One of the ISS division’s primary goals is to promote scouting efforts throughout the world of FIRST. To carry out this goal, we met with FIRST WA President Erin McCallum to present how much the scouting world has grown and changed in hopes of establishing a scouting award. With this award, incentives to create smart scouting systems become even more enticing.  Furthermore, we requested to establish the “Scouting Pits” at every PNW district competition. This dedicated location for scouting promotes communication between teams and brings the FIRST community even closer.

CPR ISS lead mentor, Dr. King, was talking about scouting setups with FIRST Washington president.

CPR ISS lead mentor, Dr. King, was talking about scouting setups with FIRST Washington president.


FRC Team 2930 - Sonic Squirrels

Our team is constantly looking for ways to improve our own systems; therefore, we contacted the Lead Scout of the Sonic Squirrels to discuss and compare our scouting systems. Not only did our understanding of scouting increase, but we acquired a valuable ally. Today, we continue to share strategy tips and even collaborate on efforts where we lead strategy and Tableau workshops. 

CPR ISS lobbyist, Joanna, exchanges scouting information with team 2930’s lead scout.

CPR ISS lobbyist, Joanna, exchanges scouting information with team 2930’s lead scout.


FRC Team 3268 - Vahallabots

It was revealed to us that one of our neighboring teams, 3268 Vallhalla Bots, had little mentor availability at their school. Wanting them to feel welcome in the FIRST community, we invited them to our Kick Off and Robot Design workshop. Additionally, since the Vallhalla Bots had a limited number of members available to scout during competitions, we introduced them to qualitative scouting.

FRC Team 360 - The Revolution

At the 2018 Houston FIRST Championship, we shared our data collection system with team 360, the Revolution.  Intrigued by our efficient, accurate, and organized data input workflow, they wanted to learn how our system functioned.  Honored, we hosted a workshop for them describing all of the different aspects of our system: Tableau, our “Data Collection System”, and qualitative scouting. We are excited to see them in competition, equipped with their new data collection system. 

CPR ISS team debriefing scouting/strategy presentation with team 360’s head coach

CPR ISS team debriefing scouting/strategy presentation with team 360’s head coach


FRC Team 2655 - The Flying Platypi

When we share our data, our hope is that teams will become intrigued by strategy and seek to better their own scouting systems. This is exactly what happened at the 2018 Houston FIRST Championships with team 2655, the Flying Platypi; they saw our publicly posted data and requested more data and information about our scouting team. Of course, we gladly shared our knowledge and were glad to contribute to their success in the playoffs.

I was very impressed with the data collection and the various ways they could analyze the data. 
— Team 2655 - The Flying Platypi

FRC Team 4911 - CyberKnights

We also provided team 4911 Cyber Knights with a scouting solution in 2018. We taught them how to use our efficient data collection system and how to analyze data to form effective match strategies. We always attempt to build lasting relationships, and we look forward to sharing data again with 4911 this season. 

CPR worked closely in 2018 with Team 4911, CyberKnights.

CPR worked closely in 2018 with Team 4911, CyberKnights.

Throughout build season, our two teams travelled back and forth… Our scouts went to competition feeling prepared and trained for anything! Thanks to the amazing collaboration we were able to do with team 3663 Cedar Park Robotics, our strategy team was able to make strategical decisions in terms of alliance selections.
— Team 4911 - CyberKnights

FTC Team 7462 - Not to Scale

During the 2019 season, we provided technical scouting support for team 11120 and helped them become the winning alliance captain at their inter-league competition.  In addition to this, we introduced “Scantron” data collection and Tableau data analysis to team 7462 (Not to Scale).  Equipped with data, they significantly strengthened their lobbying efforts.

FTC Team 11104 - Bearded Pinapple & Team 11120 - CPR-Eagles

During the 2018 season, we brought Tableau data analysis and Match Scouting to local FTC teams.  We held Tableau tutorials and helped team 11104 (Bearded Pineapples) and team 11120 (CPR-Eagles) to construct their own scouting systems.  Both of these teams would agree that the efficient and accurate scouting system we introduced to them had a direct impact on their success at competition, which allowed them to advance to the Houston FIRST Championships.